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Stewards Academy



Stewards Academy has a curriculum designed to enable every individual pupil to succeed to the very best of his or her ability providing them with challenge and opportunity. The curriculum is based on a 4 lesson day and is supported by a range of additional classes, individual tuition and extra-curricular activities.

At Key Stage 3 our aim is to ensure that all pupils develop the skills they need to be successful in the later years when following examination courses.

At Key Stage 4 we aim to provide a varied range of courses that will support each individual student's interests and future aspirations.

We want learning in lessons to engage all our pupils. Our curriculum ensures that each pupil has the opportunity to work in a wide range of ways - individually, in pairs or groups, using ICT, completing practical activities - and this allows for individual interests and preferences to be catered for.

Should you wish to find out more about any aspect of the curriculum please contact the Senior Deputy Headteacher, Mr M Scholtes.