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Stewards Academy


Positive Points for Pupils

We believe that an effective rewards system is vital, as it encourages and reinforces the types of positive behaviour we want from our pupils. Pupils who contribute and strive for excellence will be recognised through the reward system.

  • Positive points can be awarded by any member of staff, at any time, to any pupil, if they feel a pupil is promoting the ethos of the school.
  • Pupils and parents can track the number of positive points awarded through the ClassCharts app and the school website.
  • Pupils will be able to access their positive points for rewards of their choice at specific times in the academic year.
  • Pupils will need to decide whether they save or spend points for rewards, but points must be spent by the end of the academic year.
  • The number of positive points a pupil receives will also allow they to access year group rewards and end of year trips.

It is important to remember that any Negative points received throughout the year will limit the number of rewards a pupil can access

Positive points will be awarded to pupils for -

COURAGE - 1 Positive point issued

  • Pushing yourself to overcome a barrier.
  • Completing something that originally made you anxious.
  • Speaking in front of others - sharing an opinion/answer.

CONFIDENCE - 1 Positive point issued

  • Believing in yourself and your ability to achieve.
  • Feeling comfortable with who you are and that you matter.
  • Understanding that learning involves making mistakes and having the confidence to do so.

OPPORTUNITY - 1 Positive point issued

  • Make progress in assessments - use feedback to improve work.
  • Attend a club/trip or take on a leadership role in school.
  • Meet all relevant deadlines - classwork and homework.

UNITY - 1 Positive point issued

  • Communicate honestly with others.
  • Work with someone to reach a common goal.
  • Demonstrate the ability to work as part of a group/team.
  • Following expectations for the good of the community.
  • Show mutual respect for all individuals and tolerance of others irrespective of age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation.

RESILIENCE - 1 Positive point issued

  • Persevere when life and work are challenging.
  • Redraft work where necessary - work independently.
  • Complete extension work and/or attend catch-up sessions.

APPRECIATION - 1 Positive point issued

  • Take care over presentation of work.
  • Taking care of your belongings, equipment and surroundings.
  • Be kind to others - respecting their opinions, showing that you appreciate what you have and what others do for you.
  • Be kind to yourself; appreciate the talents and potential that you possess.

GENEROSITY - 1 Positive point issued

  • Respond thoughtfully when questions arise.
  • Support others with their learning if they are experiencing difficulties.
  • Showing kindness; Being a good friend to someone, especially during challenges and tough times.

ENJOYMENT - 1 Positive point issued

  • Making the most of every school experience - in/out of lessons.
  • Show flair and creativity.
  • Be successful in areas outside school.