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Stewards Academy

Stewards Academy

Science Specialist


This page lists the academy's policies and documents.


  1. Acceptable_Use_Policy_2023 - Pupils
  2. Accessibility_plan_2022-25
  3. Anti_bullying_policy July 2023-24
  4. Admissions Policy - 2023 - 2024
  5. Admissions Policy - 2024 - 2025
  6. Admissions Policy - 2025 - 2026
  7. Attendance-Policy September 2023-24
  8. Baker Clause Policy Statement - April 2023
  9. Behaviour policy December 2023-24
  10. Behaviour Policy - Appendix 1 - Home School Agreement
  11. Behaviour Policy - Appendix 2 - Sanction Protocol
  12. Behaviour_written_principles__1
  13. Complaints Policy & Procedure -Updated May 2024
  14. Careers Policy - April 2023
  15. Charging_and_remissions_policy_2023-24
  16. Child on Child HSB policy Sept 2023
  17. Conflicts of Interest Policy Sept 2023-24
  18. Dealing-with-Safeguarding-Allegations-against-Adults-Sept-2023
  19. Educational Visit Policy - June 2023
  20. Data_protection_policy_Jan 2023 updated July 2023-2024
  21. Early-Career-Teachers-ECT-Statutory-Induction-Policy-Sept-2023
  22. Equality and Diversity in Employment Policy July 2023
  23. e-Safety Policy May 2023
  24. Exclusions_and_Suspensions_policy_Sept 23-24
  25. first_aid_and_healthcare_policy_2022-23
  26. Freedom of Information Publication Scheme May 2023-2024
  27. Gifts & Hospitality Policy - October 2022
  28. Governors Expenses Policy - October 2022
  29. Health Safety and Wellbeing Policy - December 2023
  30. Positive Handling Policy_2023-24
  31. Pupils with medical conditions - July 2023
  32. relationships_sex_and_health_education_policy_May 2023
  33. Safeguarding Child Protection policy - September 2023- 24
  34. SEND Information Statement - July 2023
  35. SEND Policy - June 2023 approved
  36. SEND Policy Appendices - June 2023
  37. Single Equality Policy - May 2023
  38. Staff Code-of-Conduct-Schools September-2023
  39. Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy May 2023
  40. Student Mental Health and Wellbeing policy May 2023-24
  41. Trustees School Visits Policy Sept 2023 - 26
  42. Whistleblowing-Policy-May 2023
  43. Trips and Visits Audit 2024-25