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Stewards Academy


Place2Be at Stewards

We are fortunate enough to have a well-established Place2Be team here at Stewards Academy.

Place2Be is a national charity providing emotional support to children in schools. They have grown from 5 schools in London to 257 schools nationwide.

Transition to secondary school can be challenging for some young people, while others may struggle to cope with specific life events or experience increased stress and anxiety during adolescence.

Place2Be's work in secondary schools helps young people to achieve their full potential and deal positively with the difficulties they face. They provide both universal and targeted services for young people in schools, alongside support for parents and consultation and advice for school staff.

Services for young people aged 11-14 include one-to-one counselling and shorter term solution focused sessions, a daily self-referral service run in break times and themed work with small groups (for example exam stress, self-harm) and supporting in-class topics.

Pupils are introduced to the services in year 7 when they begin school.