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Stewards Academy

Phoenix Challenge

The DfE Character Education Framework Guidance November 2019 states that: "Access to character development opportunities in schools can lead pupils who take part to be highly motivated, report fewer absences and have lower levels of emotional distress, amongst other outcomes" (page 8). At Stewards Academy this is something we firmly believe in. We strive for academic success for each individual pupil but we also seek to develop the whole child throughout their time with us.

Through the Phoenix Curriculum, Pupil Voice groups and a wide range of enrichment activities both in school and off-site we aim to ensure a wide range of opportunities for all. This year, to encourage participation, recognise success and support pupils in building their Record of Achievement we are launching our Phoenix Challenge.

Pupils will have the chance to identify activities on the grid that they have completed and select what they are going to work towards next. To achieve Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum they will need to complete a particular number of activities from each strand. The strands encompass our aims for all pupils:

  • Participation in the academy community
  • Learning above and beyond the curriculum
  • Reading for pleasure and/or personal development
  • High aspirations
  • Being an independent learner

Recognition of participation or completion of an activity will be recorded and celebrated in a variety of ways. These may include; positive points, postcards, bookmarks, letters or certificates. Staff are reminded to award positive points for pupil involvement in Phoenix Curriculum activities and record these using the relevant buttons on Class Charts. Please ensure you keep accurate registers.

Pupils will be encouraged to put their evidence in their Record of Achievement folder and discuss their progress with their form tutor and members of the Leadership team.