Personal Development
Subject Intent
Ethics and Values education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain. When taught well, the subject helps pupils to achieve their academic potential, and leave school equipped with skills they will need throughout later life. Students will have a chance to develop their Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural understanding.
The overreaching aim for Ethics and Values is to promote essential skills needed for life.
The subject covers core knowledge relating to issues such as online and offline safety, relationships, health and careers, taught in a way which is appropriate to the age and maturity of pupils.
The subject is tied together by the development of the key skills and attributes which pupils need to thrive both in their childhood and throughout their adult lives.
These key skills and attributes – such as self-management, empathy, critical thinking, communication, resilience, teamwork and negotiation – are crucial to pupils’ life chances.
Key Stage 3
Pupils will be working on three core themes; Mental Health and wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. Topics that will be covered under Mental health and wellbeing include; Physical Health and fitness, healthy diet, health lifestyles, hygiene, periods, puberty, first aid, road safety, CPR, adolescence, body image and self-esteem.
Topics that will be covered in relationships include; relationships with families, respectful relationships with friends, conflict resolution, E-safety online and being safe within relationships.
Living in the Wider World will involve looking at enterprize skills, introduction to careers, ethical financial decisions, saving, spending and budgeting money, rights and responsibilities within the community and the value of money.
Year 7 Unit Titles |
Year 8 & 9 Unit Titles |
Key Stage 4
Pupils will be working on three core themes; Mental Health and wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. Topics that will be covered under Mental health and wellbeing include; Health and peer pressure, taking risks, gang culture, tackling stigma, positive and negative role models, dealing with stress and coping with exam pressures.
Topics that will be covered in relationships include; relationships and how to manage conflict, consent, STIs, sexting, pornography, families and parenting skills, myths and expectations within relationships and challenges.
Living in the Wider World will involve looking at understanding careers and future expectations, identifying strengths and how to set goals, tackling money issues, causes and effects of debit, preparation for work experience and personal statements/CV writing.
Component/unit 1 |
What is assessed:
How will it be assessed:
Component/unit 2 |
What is assessed:
How will it be assessed:
Component/unit 3 |
What is assessed:
How will it be assessed:
External Unit/ Examination |
What is assessed:
Please provide a brief description of the departments homework policy for pupils at KS4 |
N/A |