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Stewards Academy

House System

The House System is designed to embody the values and ethos of Stewards and be an integral part of our school community. On entering Stewards all pupils become members of a House and are expected to do their best for it in their work in lessons and in their commitment to extra-curricular activities.

The aim is to provide every pupil in each house with the following:

  • To demonstrate the elements ‘Courage’.
  • A sense of belonging within the school community.
  • Opportunities to develop social, intellectual, physical and practical skills.
  • A sense of achievement both inside and outside of the classroom.
  • Fun and excitement through competition.
  • Opportunities for leadership.
  • An awareness of individual and collective responsibility.

At Stewards we are very proud of all the pupils and look to celebrate their achievements throughout each term. All pupils have the opportunity to earn Positive Points for their house on a daily basis. These points will be awarded for completing an excellent piece of work; for spontaneous acts of kindness; for meeting a personal target; representing the school and many more. House points will be collated weekly to recognise successes and at the end of the academic year all points will be tallied up to establish the house winning the overall trophy.


Each house is made up of 10 tutor groups which are overseen by a Head of House. Each member of staff is also attached to a house that they will remain with during their time at Stewards. Each house will have designated Year 11 House Captain and two School Council representatives per form class to support. These pupils will act as representatives for all the pupils in their house throughout the year by; helping co-ordinate house teams, organise activities and events and represent their house at relevant meetings.

The four houses

  • House of Bravery –  represented by the Jaguar
  • House of Fortitude – represented by the Lion
  • House of Prowess – represented by the Panther
  • House of Valour – represented by the Tiger

There will be many house events throughout the year from all areas of school life. This blend ensures that everyone has the opportunity, pupils and staff alike to represent their house in something that they enjoy, something they are good at or something that will challenge them outside their comfort zone. 


Facilitate the community spirit to flourish within the house and promote healthy competition for house points.

  • Run house assemblies – promoting the team and what events are coming up
  • Oversee house positivity
  • Meet School Council house ambassadors
  • Meet other heads of house – collaborative for the good of the academy
  • Celebrate pupils in the house

HOUSE CAPTAINS / SCHOOL COUNCIL PUPIL AMBASSADORS – would need to demonstrate the following attributes.

  • Positive leadership skills.
  • A strong school 'spirit'
  • Good organisational skills.
  • A supportive, caring and fair attitude.
  • A respectful conduct towards House members and the whole-school community.
  • Be responsible, and a good role model.