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Stewards Academy


The designated Safeguarding Lead at Stewards Academy is Mrs Atkinson whose contact details are:

Phone: 01279 421951

The safety and wellbeing of our pupils is at the forefront of everything we do here at Stewards Academy. Creating a safe and secure environment, where our pupils enjoy their learning and fulfil their academic and personal potential, is our priority. We also educate our pupils about the wider world, so that they are prepared and equipped to face the challenges that lay beyond the protection of the school environment.

One of the ways in which we do this is to deliver Safeguarding guidance through our Assembly Programme. Listed below are some of the topics we cover, so that you may be confident in the knowledge that your child is well cared for in school, and understands the risks that they may face outside of school.

These topics are challenging, and are always delivered tactfully, and in an age-appropriate manner

  • Staying Safe Online
  • Physical/Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Knife Crime
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Peer on Peer Abuse/Healthy Relationships/Personal Boundaries
  • Gangs and County Lines
  • Gang Crime
  • Child Criminal Exploitation/Child Sexual Exploitation

We also deliver Safeguarding topics through our Ethics and Values Curriculum. Ethics and Values education is a subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life in modern Britain. Again, topics are covered in a way which is appropriate to the age and maturity of pupils. The areas covered are as follows:

  • Respectful relationships
  • Relationships and sex education
  • Introduction to sexuality and consent
  • Introduction to contraception
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • Sexting and Pornography
  • Physical Health and Fitness: making healthy choices
  • Personal Safety and First Aid
  • Exploring the Influence of Role Models
  • Peer Pressure: drugs, alcohol, tobacco

Stewards sees the safeguarding of all children as a vital priority, which is everybody's business: staff, parents, students and community members. The school can be contacted via reception or email with any concerns, which will then be relayed to our safeguarding team.

In addition, these external sources of support might be useful: