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Stewards Academy

Free School Transport

Who qualifies for home to school transport?

Mainstream secondary

Children aged 11 to 16 (school years 7 to 11) can get free home to school transport if:

  • they attend their nearest school and
  • they live more than 3 miles away

Children from low-income families can get also free home to school transport if:

  • they attend one of their 3 nearest qualifying schools and
  • the school is between 2 and 6 miles from their home address

School transport for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Essex County Council will provide home to school transport where children:

  • are attending their nearest suitable school (that we've identified) and
  • live 2 miles or more for children below 8 from their nearest suitable school or
  • live 3 miles or more for children aged 8 or over from their nearest suitable school or
  • where the mainstream low-income policy (above) is met

School transport could also be provided if a child has SEN or mobility difficulties and cannot reasonably be expected to walk to their nearest suitable school, even when accompanied by a parent.

Find out more about help to get children with SEND to school safely on the Essex Local Offer website.

Apply for school transport

  • You can apply for school transport if your child meets the eligibility criteria.
  • Before you apply, make sure you read the Education Transport Policy (PDF, 477.04 KB) to check if your child is eligible.
  • If you are applying for mainstream secondary, mainstream primary school, special needs or selective schools, you can apply online.
  • You will receive a letter with the outcome of your application within 15 working days. In some cases, it might take longer.
  • If we receive your application after 31 July, we cannot guarantee it will be fully processed by the start of the academic year in September due to the volume of applications.

For questions and support relating to free school transport please contact Miss Webb on 01279 421951. Please note applications can only be made via Essex County Council. Thank you.