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Stewards Academy


Lunch Overdrafts

A reminder to all parents/carers

Please ensure that your child has a packed lunch or has enough money in their cashless catering account to buy lunch. Pupils who have genuinely lost or forgotten their lunch money can come to the Main Office to ask for a £2.50 overdraft on their cashless catering account. For this amount your child can purchase either a sandwich, roll, plain jacket potato, pasta pot or salad pot - it is not given for pupils to only purchase cakes and/or drinks. Pupils must ensure they repay the £2.50 into their catering account on the next working day. Persistent non-payers will not be allowed further overdrafts if money is still owed.

Please would parent/carers be aware that lunch overdrafts are for EMERGENCIES ONLY, and are not to be used as a means for your child to buy 'extras' at lunchtime or break time.

Please click on the link below to view the dining menu at Stewards Academy