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Changes to Essex Code of Conduct for Penalty Notices

The Essex Code of Conduct for Penalty Notices has been reviewed by the steering group, and some changes have been made, based on recommendations by schools. These changes will be effective from 1st October 2017 and are:

  • A penalty notice may be issued if 10 unauthorised absences have occurred during a 10 week period (instead of the current 6 week period)
  • A penalty notice may be issued if there are 6 or more unauthorised sessions due to a holiday taken during the first two weeks of September


Please note the following regarding persistent absence

If a pupil’s attendance falls below 90% they are considered to be a “persistent absence” pupil and the Attendance Compliance Team may consider a fine.

In line with this, the attendance team will start early intervention if any pupil shows a decline in their attendance and they fall below our school target of 96%. For children to succeed at school it is expected that they attend on a regular basis and be punctual.

School target 96% aim for 100%! – see what you can do!!

Pupils need to be in school by 8.40am ready for morning prep at 8.45am.

  • Pupils arriving after 8.45am without a note from a parent or medical appointment card will receive a 30 minute detention on the day.
  • Parents/carers are responsible for their child attending school on time every day
  • If absence/lateness is frequent and/or drops below school target parents will be informed and could result in necessary action being taken
  • Genuine illness needs to be supported by a phone call from a parent/carer for each day of absence and a note handed into the Attendance Office on the day of return to school
  • Medical evidence will be requested if absence is longer than 3 days (appointment card/proof of medication/signed compliment slip from surgery confirming appointment) if this is not received the absence will be unauthorised and further action could be taken
  • ALL absence must be accounted for – if you do not inform us of your child’s absence it is recorded as an unauthorised absence
  • Leave of Absence is not to be taken during term time
  • Medical appointments should, where possible, be made during school holidays or after school – evidence needs to be provided for school time appointments—please avoid full day absence for appointments
  • Your child needs to sign in (if late) or out (for a medical appointment) at the Attendance Office
  • Continued absence from school will be dealt with appropriately
  • Attendance is vital for your child to fulfil their academic potential
  • Being punctual is vital so that your child does not miss out on important information that could be given out during the registration process and so that they start their day in an organised manner

When is it OK for your Child to be Absent

  • Illness – follow the procedures as set out in this leaflet - Stewards Academy Policy states that students can return to school 48 hours after their last bout of sickness and diarrhoea
  • Medical Appointments – only if unavoidable – appointment card/letter needs to be provided – please ensure your child attends school before their appointment and signs back in afterwards at the Attendance Office
  • Bereavement– let us know so that staff and pupils can be sensitive to this

Why your child should not be absent

  • Leave – term time is school time – children are not ‘entitled’ to take holidays during term time except in extreme circumstances. If this is the case, parents must apply in writing to the Attendance Office before any booking is made (this is a leave of absence which we at Stewards Academy feel would be of unique and significant emotional, educational or spiritual value to the child which outweighs the loss of teaching time). Application in writing must be made to the Attendance Office. Any leave of absence that has not been authorised could be referred to the Attendance Compliance Team. This may result in the issue of a Fixed Penalty Notice or prosecution proceedings. A fixed penalty Notice will be issued to each parent of each child of statutory school age and carries a maximum penalty of £120 (eg. 2 parents with 2 children could incur a total cost of £480). If the matter proceeds to court this carries a maximum penalty of £1000 per parent per child and a criminal conviction, which may affect your current and/or future employment
  • Birthdays – it is not acceptable to allow your child to have the day off for their birthday
  • Shopping – or any other social outing
  • Truancy – missing whole days off school or individual lessons is not acceptable and will have serious disciplinary consequences
  • Looking after a relative or pet
  • Day trips
  • Headlice
  • Meeting relatives
  • Family weddings/events—unless compassionate
  • Remaining at home to wait for deliveries, repair men etc

Academy Education Welfare Officer / Attendance Manager: Mrs S. Keys-Kidd
Attendance Officer: Mrs Brazier

It is a parent’s responsibility to inform us if their child is absent/late for school or will be signing out – if you do not inform us in advance we cannot authorise a pupil leaving the school site.