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Stewards Academy

2019 - 2020

Many congratulations to our award winners.

Charlotte Easby

Charlotte has flourished during her time at Stewards Academy and it really is a pleasure to work with her. She is dedicated to the performing arts and has developed a passion for work both on and off-stage; most recently helping to organise music events and lead her peers in her role as director of Hamlet, as part of the Shakespeare Schools Festival. Both her peers and staff appreciate her calm and level-headed approach to all tasks and she always demonstrates a real sense of maturity. As well as mentoring younger pupils for Music, Charlotte has been a key driver of pupil voice, particularly as a Head of School Council this year. She helped to organise the annual Remembrance Event as well as support numerous other events. Charlotte is a pupil who will go ‘above and beyond’ and is a very worthy recipient of the Jack Petchey award.

Tony Carr

Tony is a delightful and very resilient young man. The last eighteen months have been a difficult and tragic time for him but all staff that work with him closely have described his courage and fortitude. He has remained resolute to be successful in school and has worked hard to maintain focus on his GCSEs. Tony has been a great support to his family and he is helping to organise events in honour of his sister and for all those that have lost someone close. Tony is well-respected by the younger pupils in The Bridge and they appreciate his kindness, help and listening ear when they need someone to talk to. His peers admire his strength of character and commitment to doing well.

Faith Idehen

Faith is an integral member of the EMPV group at Stewards Academy. In her capacity as joint head of the EMPV she has worked hard to promote events, lead cultural assemblies and regular meetings, and organise Black History Month celebrations. The EMPV goes from strength-to-strength and Faith is a superb role model to those that attend: The younger pupils have spoken of how she ‘inspires’ them to be more involved in academy life and to be the person that they want to be. Faith is committed to her studies and enjoys participating in wider school life; including playing netball for the academy team. Faith is a lovely young lady and a joy to work with.

Ayse Kaya

Ayse is a lovely young lady and an attentive, well-organised student. She is an enthusiastic learner who consistently strives to reach her full potential in all that she does. Her work as a Senior Peer Mentor has led to nominations from staff, her peers and younger students that all recognise and appreciate her maturity and commitment to the role. The younger pupils talk of her kindness and support with their work and when they need someone to talk to. Ayse leads a team of peer mentors that support Year 7 tutor groups and is a thoughtful and experienced voice at meetings.

Ella Johnson

Ella has been nominated for a Jack Petchey award for her dedication and commitment to Dance since her time at Stewards. Ella has shown great perseverance in developing her performance and choreographic skills; continuing to push herself to try new things. She absorbs and takes on board all advice offered to her and the staff that work with her in this area praise her highly. Ella has performed on many occasions over the years and has choreographed performances pieces that she has taught to other students. She helps to lead the younger dancers at Dance clubs on a weekly basis and is a superb role model to them all.