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Year 8 Trip to Hampton Court

Year 8 students from Stewards Academy had an amazing visit to Hampton Court Palace recently. They had the opportunity to immerse themselves in its history and explore the grounds and palace on a beautiful autumnal day.  

The trip was the cross-curricular effort of the History and English departments and helped students to consider the links between topics they had exploring.   

Some of the students shared their favourite moments: “the huge portrait of Henry VIII and learning more about life in the Tudor period… viewing all the artworks… The Great Hall was very impressive and we learned lots of new information such as what eavesdroppers in the ceilings were for… the trip was fun and educational; we saw the King Henry VIII’s chapel and a replica of his crown” 

Roisin O’Grady, KS3 English lead, said: “I enjoyed exploring the grand surroundings and I was proud of the knowledge our students displayed on the day – they certainly impressed our tour guide!” 

Colin Hawk, Subject Leader for History and trip leader, said: “The audible gasp when pupils walked into the Great Hall for the first time brought a smile to my face. It is wonderful to share part of history with them in this way and we look forward to doing the trip again in the future.”