The Drug Bus Visits Stewards

The drugs bus is an exciting and unique Platform that allows students to learn about various topics in a fun and engaging way. There are 2 main areas on the bus: upstairs is Maddie’s crack shack. This area is dark and dingy and designed to represent a drugs den. This is our discussion space where we can tailor our information to discuss various topics such as SUBSTANCE MISUSE, KNIFE CRIME, COUNTY LINES, MENTAL HEALTH and OFFENDING. People will take part in activities that revolve around these different topics, such as what substances are and how they affect you, consequences, and choices, what is county lines, dealing with substance misuse situations, offending and what a life in prison would be like. In the “crack shack”, they will not just discuss the issues but be fully immersed into the environment. The second area is our replica prison cells. People will be put into the cells and have to take part in a 10-minute cell escape activity where they will have to solve puzzles and clues relating to substance misuse to get themselves released early on good behaviour. There are some hard-hitting learning points that the people will pick up whilst working through these activities which will challenge their opinions, thoughts, and views. Year 8 - I really enjoyed it. I didn’t think about the link between drug and knife crime, but will be more aware now. Year 7 - It was good, the prison cell was so small and the lady said sometimes you wouldn’t even get a window. I can’t imagine not having a window to look out of. Year 8 - I see people out on the street and you think they may be doing drugs, but I never thought about them carrying a knife. It made me think. Year 9 - The drug den was scary, drugs just mess up your life. I hope none of my friends get involved. I would be so worried for them. Staff - It was really interesting and I learnt so much. I wanted to share my drug bus experience feedback as I honestly feel the way it was shown was so hard hitting. I was first in the prison cell, and it was dark and stuffy and smelt. It wasn’t nice, needing to find things in the dark, writings on the wall shown only by one small torch and needing to be close to the toilet. I was aware it was not prison for myself, but it was so well done I could not imagine being in there for any longer than I had too. This was also shown by the students in with me as it went from ‘yeah I could stay in here’ to not being able to stay still, becoming very hot and wanting to leave. The lady talking was so factual and real it was incredible. We then went upstairs and to see a ‘drug den’ was hard hitting. I knew it was a doll lying on the dirty mattress surrounded by drugs and sick and rubbish but where it looked so real I felt physically sick to realise this could be someone we know. The information with knife crime was so insightful and has really made me think about the extra challenges our students face once they leave this school and how dangerous a walk home can really be. I found the thinking about what they could do to help keep themselves safe was amazing and I saw the students start to think about what is best for them to survive. A big Thank you to Kerry Farmer and team from Resilience Voyage Ltd