Enrichment Day

On Friday 20th October we held our first Enrichment day of the academic year. Every year group took part in different activities surrounding the topic of careers and progression. This was our busiest enrichment day to date, with multiple visitors coming into the school to speak with our students.
Our visitors included, Harlow College, St John’s Ambulance, Mind, DHL and HTS.
Year 7 used our careers platform ‘Unifrog’ to research what a career is and to learn about their different skills and interests. They also took part in team building and house point competitions with the P.E. department.
Year 8 took part in First Aid sessions with St. John’s Ambulance and activities with Mind as well as learning about healthy choices.
Year 9 spent the day with visitors from DHL, who discussed careers in the industry and gave the students a task on how DHL Express can become even more sustainable. They then presented their ideas.
Year 10 had visitors from HTS who discussed careers in the industry and set the students a task of coming up with ideas on how to ‘restore pride in Harlow’ as well as what they believe makes a good employee. They then presented their ideas.
It was great to see how passionate our students were about the topics and hearing them present their fantastic ideas to our visitors was a very proud moment for us all here at Stewards Academy.
Year 11 spent the day revising and preparing for their mock exams and had an assembly from Harlow College explaining all of the Post-16 options available to them.