At Stewards we are constantly reflective and open to new experiences and ideas. All of us seek constant improvement and are excited to be part of the improvement journey that we are on as a school. This is the culture we aim to develop in everyone associated with Stewards, and we know that by doing so we will enable the young people who attend our school to learn, develop, grow and achieve success in all that they do. My role as headteacher is to lead the development of our school and make sure that we rapidly take the steps to success that I know we can achieve.
@AmyM12350 and @Barham_Bee have had a lovely 2 days in Harlow with staff from Stewards Academy & Passmores Academy, delivering Level 2 Team Teach and discussing all things Relational Practice ❤️ @PassmoresAc @StewardsAcademy
Stewards Academy host Parents’ Information Evening
Calling all #Year10 and #Year11 students @StewardsAcademy and @PassmoresAc. Our joint careers fair is on the 9th October at Harlow Study Centre. @vicgoddard @StephenDrew72 @yourharlow
A significant investment in our young people @StewardsAcademy “Head of SEND and Inclusion at Stewards Academy - Science Specialist, Harlow | MyNewTerm” @yourharlow
@StewardsDesTech @StewardsAcademy @vicgoddard @StephenDrew72 @yourharlow I hope this will extended to all construction students